Thursday, August 30, 2007

French Fries Galore...and Abba?

After my crazy weekend, you'd think that I'd want to take a load off-- but no-- my busy social calendar continues! We had dinner at Applebees (the french fries and ice cream weren't bad) on Tuesday night for my cousin Mae's birthday. Then last night we had to go out to dinner at our golf club with some people from Mom and Dad's work. They were nice people and the french fries at the club were good (as always). But, after a lengthy game of peek-a-boo with the wait staff at the club, I was ready to head home!

Despite the late night, after a bath, I was ready for more fun with Mom and Dad. I finally got Dad to play that CD I have been eyeing. Really, now, who doesn't love ABBA? I think "Dancing Queen" is my new favorite song. Much better than the classical lullabies that Mom and Dad make me listen to at night. Enough with Baby Mozart... I am ready for the Baby Abba CDs or DVDs to come out!

Wow, I have to tell you, the world sure moves at a faster pace now that I can walk (almost run) everywhere. Too bad Mom and Dad can't keep up (I constantly have to turn around to make sure they are still watching what I am doing)! Luckily, Emma (my big gray dog) is always around to keep tabs on me. And my new favorite thing is to play outside-- so I head out the back door every chance I get. Whenever Mom or Dad open the back door, Emma, Marta (my littler orange dog) and I race to see who can get out first. They usually win....but some day!

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Greatest Party Weekend Ever

Wow. I can't remember the last time I partied this hard. I started Friday after work (can you say happy hour?) and didn't stop until Sunday afternoon.

On Friday, Mom, Dad, and I went to my friend Clare's house for a BLT party. (Yes, literally a bacon lettuce and tomato sandwich party.) While the adults were talking, Clare and I took turns riding her tricycle and pushing her toy lawnmower. I partied so hard, I don't even remember how I got home. Next thing I know, it's already Saturday morning.

I went to my last swimming lesson at 8:45 a.m. on Saturday. I guess I was a little worn out from the previous evening's festivities, because I wasn't as happy about it as normal, particularly when they dunked me underwater for several feet. Still all and all, I got my certificate from Teacher Kyle, which I guess means I'm ready to learn how to surf.
Right after swimming lessons, Mom and Dad rushed me out to meet my friend Heather for breakfast at the Good Day Cafe (our regular spot). She lives in Atlanta, but the last time I saw Heather was in South Carolina. Mom and Dad like her too, so it was good to see her again.
I thought that might be it for the day, but as soon as I woke up from my late morning nap, we were on the road again. This time to my Cousin Mae's birthday party; she's five. We played at the Little Gym in St. Louis Park. I ran around with all the other big kids and then ate cake. My Cousin Ella was there, too. They gave me lots of hugs.
Just when I thought things couldn't get anymore exciting, Sunday morning came and Mom and Dad dressed me up extra nice for church. Already, that's a little out of the ordinary. When we got to church, Grandma Kathy, Grandpa John, Grandma Marsha, Aunt Tara, Uncle Mark, Aunt Amy, and Mae and Ella were there waiting for me. Okay, getting stranger.
Mom and Dad didn't drop me off at the nursery but actually took me into the big room with them, and the whole family sits together right up at the front. Now I'm confused.
In the middle of the service, Mom and Dad stood up with me and introduced me to everyone else in the church. Now I'm anxious.
At the "end" of the service, everybody marched outside and down to the edge of Minnehaha Creek. Now I'm worried.
Then Mom, Dad, Mark, and Amy carried me into Minnehaha Creek where the Reverends Neil, Lou, and Mary are standing ankle deep with their white robes on. The next thing I know, I'm hanging upside down with Reverend Neil pouring water on my head. I like the Reverend Neil, but now I'm mad. Boy did I let out a scream!
I guess everybody thought what was happening to me was funny, because they started laughing. Now I'm really mad! Whatever was going on, though, seemed to be making Mom and Dad really happy, so I decided I would only cry for a little while.
After family pictures on the bank on Minnehaha Creek, everyone came back to my house for yet another party. My clothes were still a little wet, so I got to run around with just my diaper on. I played with my cousins. We were a marching band.
After everybody left, I finally had a chance to take a good long nap!

Friday, August 24, 2007

More Interactive Features

I've added a new feature to my blog -- a visitor's poll on important events of the day. I'll update the question periodically, so check back and vote often.

Today's poll question has to do with my favorite sports team. Let me know what you think!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Nap Time and Bath Time

Well, I was having so much fun at daycare yesterday that I decided to skip my afternoon nap. Seemed like a good idea to me at the time, but apparently Mom and Dad didn't think so. I guess they don't like fussy babies that refuse to eat dinner.

Fortunately, I got my second wind after bath time and Mom and Dad had fun chasing me around the living room. They seemed to like it when I looked back at them and then laughed and ran away, so I entertained them like this for almost an hour. I was thinking it might tire them out, but turns out I was the one who got tired. So it was a quick bottle and then right to sleep around 8:00 p.m.

Speaking of baths, I have my last swimming lesson this Saturday and then a splash this Sunday morning in Minnehaha Creek. I'm not sure what that is all about, and I haven't decided whether I'm going to laugh or cry about it. So, you'll have to be there to find out.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Another Wednesday

I slept in later than usual today -- about 7:30. Nobody noticed when I woke up, which was fine. I just played with the toys in my crib for a while. Mom eventually picked me up and gave me a bottle. We got ready quicker than usual -- Mom had to get to her workout but first we had to drop the dogs off at doggie daycare. We dropped Mom off before parking the car and then Dad took me to baby daycare. I was so excited to be there that I took off for the toys as soon as Dad put me down and didn't even see him leave!

I've got a lot of work to do today -- playing, napping, eating (the usual). I can't believe how fast the day goes before it's time for Mom and Dad to pick me up.